We’re excited to welcome you!

To register your family, please visit the below registration page. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in our center


After you’ve registered above please reserve your time and download the parent handbook below:



Age Groups:

Infant (6 weeks-18 months)

Toddler (18 months-2.5 years)

Transitional PreK (2.5 years-3 years)

PreK/SA (3 years-8 years)

Booking Different Aged Children

If you have children that are in different age groups, please book them individually. If you would like to set up a reoccurring appointment, please email contact@treefortdropin.com.

Potty Trained

Children do not need to be potty trained to be booked in PreK/SA.

Same Day Appointments

For a same day appointment, please call or message on the Brightwheel app.

No Show/Cancelation

No show policy: If you no call, no show your appointment, you will be billed the full the amount of time reserved.

Cancellation policy: If you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment, unless you have a doctor’s note with a date of service that is the same as the reservation date, you will be billed for the full amount of the reserved time. This does not excuse siblings. 

The reasoning for this is that these spots are in high demand, and late cancellations take another family’s spot. Second, we staff for the number of children expected for the day, and cancellations within 24 hours make it difficult to staff.


If you are having trouble reserving your time, please call or email contact@treefortdropin.com.