Treefort Drop In is a fully licensed child care center, with the idea to provide child care services at your convenience. We are open later than a regular child care center and are also available on Saturday’s. You receive all of the amenities of a child care center with highly qualified teachers and directors, but only pay for the time you use!

HOW IT WORKS: We do require you to register your child and reserve your time. This ensures we meet state ratios and are staffed accordingly.

CHECK IN/ CHECK OUT: Safety of your children is our number one priority. We have a secured entry. Once you are in the center, you will state your name and who you are dropping off or picking up. Then you will either check in or check out with your unique QR code or 4 digit PIN you’ve set via Brightwheel. You will be asked to show ID when picking up.


Please reserve your spot 24 hours in advance or you run the risk of no spot being available. If you are unable to reserve your time, you may call to be put on a waitlist for the day.

If you need drop in care (day of), always call in advance to make sure there is a spot available.

No show policy: If you no call, no show your appointment, you will be billed the full the amount of time reserved.  

Cancellation policy: If you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment, unless you have a doctor’s note with a date of service that is the same as the reservation date, you will be billed for the full amount of the reserved time. This does not excuse siblings. The reasoning for this is that these spots are in high demand, and late cancellations take another family’s spot. Second, we staff for the number of children expected for the day, and cancellations within 24 hours make it difficult to staff.

COMMUNICATION: To help make the transition for your child as smooth as possible, we use an app called Brightwheel to communicate information about your child(ren) and their day such as meals, restroom breaks, naps, pictures, etc. You can also communicate with us about your child(ren) through the app. We know that kids reach their full potential when staff and parents form a partnership, which is why this is one of our core values. We also have cameras throughout the center, so if there ever is a concern about your child’s care or an incident, we can review with you to determine the best course of action.

PRESCHOOL PROGRAM: While your child is at the Treefort, you will not be disappointed. We follow a routine schedule every day and even provide nap time to those who need it. If your child is between the ages of 3-5 years old, they will be invited to the preschool program that operates every day from 9-11:30am at no additional charge. No matter what time your child arrives, they will be able to hop in and join the fun! They will participate in many child led play activities, arts, games, cooking, and more!

Rest/Nap Time: Supervised rest periods are provided for all children. Teaching staff to child ratios are maintained during this time. An individual cot is provided for each child, which is sanitized after each use. You may provide a small blanket, pillow, etc. if desired; these items will be sent home at the end of each day. Rest time is between 1-3pm, so please keep this in mind when reserving a spot. For first time drop offs, we recommend not dropping off during rest time. 

SANITIZING: We sanitize the entire center in the morning before kids arrive and at night when all kids are gone. We also have a sanitizing schedule that we follow daily, which includes: tables, drinking fountains, chairs, food preparation area, cribs, cots, ipads, and toys. If your child is sick, we ask that you please keep them home! They need to be fever free for 24 hours in order to be able to return to the Treefort. We do use a company called Mister E to sanitize the center with their electrostatic spray every other Sunday.

IMMUNIZATIONS: We require all children to be immunized, there are no exemptions.

RATIOS: We maintain ratios at ALL times! It is best to reserve your spot online to make sure we can accommodate everyone, but we do accept last minute drop off visits if ratios allow. Ratios are as follows:

Infants (6 weeks to 18 months) - 1:4

Toddlers (18 months to 3 years) - 1:6

3 Years - 1:10

4-5 Years - 1:12

School Age - 1:15

SUSPENDING/TERMINATING CARE: It is our promise that kids will feel safe at our center and it’s our duty to keep them protected. If your child does any of the following, they may be asked to not return: punching, kicking, biting, swearing, bullying, stealing, damaging property, weapons, and/or defying teachers on multiple occasions.

CATERED MEAL: You have the option to either purchase a catered meal from us or bring a lunch/dinner from home for your child. Breakfast and snacks are included with your hourly pricing. If you would like to order a meal, just let us know when you arrive.

 If you are purchasing a catered meal from us, you will need to order lunch by 11:00am. If you do not order a meal and your child does not have a meal, then we will provide them a nutritious meal from our center and you will be billed appropriately. For meal times, please see our sample schedule.

 Meal prices are as follows:

·      Lunch - $8.00/meal